Since 2012, LMI has undertaken children’s summer camp outreach in Central and Eastern Europe. Led by our coordinators, Pastor Tibor and Agi Szlovak, camps have taken place in Orgovany (Hungary) and Moravica, Csantaver, Pancevo and Szenttamas (Serbia). Teams of volunteers have travelled with LMI staff members to provide leadership at the camps, and have really benefitted from the experience as they seek to follow Christ.
At the camps, children are introduced to Jesus through stories from the Bible, memory verses, quizzes and Christian songs, both in English and their own language. The team also organise lots of games, English lessons, and crafts for the children, ensuring that the camp experience is both educational and fun.
Through this ministry, hundreds of children have heard about the Lord Jesus Christ and their need for Him to be their saviour. Moreover, some of the churches we have worked with have developed and expanded their youth ministries. We hope that the fruit of this will greatly benefit the body of Christ in Hungary and Serbia for generations to come.