LMI's 'A word for your week' devotional taken from John 3:16

E: Eternal ✝️🌅

Easter is the time when we celebrate what The Lord Jesus Christ did for the world. Good Friday reminds us of His death at Calvary, to pay the price for sinful men and women.

Easter Sunday celebrates the victory of the Resurrection, when He overcame the power of death. Jesus lived, died and rose again so that each one who receives Him as Saviour - through repentance and faith - will live with Him forever in eternity!

This verse tells us four great truths:

  1. The Greatest Love
  2. The Greatest Gift
  3. The Greatest Choice
  4. The Greatest Certainty

‘Whoever’ means your name is included in this great invitation to accept God’s amazing offer of salvation. The choice you make today will determine your eternal destiny. That’s enough to make it the most important choice of your life!

It is no wonder LMI’s mission motto is, ‘We Want The World To Know Jesus’ ☝🏻🌍🙂

“For God so loved the world

He gave His only Son

To die on Calvary’s tree

From sin to set me free

Someday He’s coming back

What glory that will be,

Wonderful His love to me!”

An extract from ‘For God So Loved the World’, by Frances Townsend 🎶