It is terrific to share that Aloys Nduwindavyi, LMI’s Bible Teaching Ministry Representative in Burundi, has received several boxes of books we sent to help him in his ministry 📚🙂 

These particular books are aimed at young people and children, and we know that Aloys, his wife Aline and their colleagues will put them to great use for God’s glory in the days ahead. Indeed, they are hoping to use the materials with students at Reoboth School in Bujumbura; Bsoni and Buhoro High Schools in Kirundo Province; and Lycee of Mutambu. They are also actively promoting the materials to local churches. 

After receiving the books, Aloys commented, “… this was my prayer for many years, to see young people and students learning the Word of God and reaching other young people” 💬✝️

As ever, we give all the glory to God for the opportunity to support our brothers and sisters in Africa, as we follow and serve Christ together 🌍🙌🏻