LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Belfast High School

The LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team have their final session of 2016 today, and it’s a big one! A 40 minute ‘Why Christmas’ programme with an entire year group at Belfast High School.

Please pray that Becky and Danny will know God’s blessing and help as they speak, and that the students will grow in understanding as they discuss Jesus’ coming into the world and the reasons for that.

Read more: LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Belfast High School

Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Integrated College Dungannon

As Christmas approaches, the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team are continuing to present the claims and challenges of Jesus to young people.

Today, Becky and Danny are in Integrated College Dungannon for a full day of lessons. Please pray that the students they meet will be challenged and inspired by what they hear, and that the team will be blessed as they work through the programmes.

Read more: Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Integrated College Dungannon