Rev. Richard Pidgley in Northern Ireland

Last week, the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team enjoyed a wonderful time with our guest speaker from England, Rev. Richard Pidgley. 

Delivering a programme called ‘Choices and Consequences’, Richard spoke about becoming a Christian while he was a troubled teenager, and explained how God transformed his life from that point on.

More than 1400 young people met with Richard and the team throughout the week, which is phenomenal!

Read more: Rev. Richard Pidgley in Northern Ireland

South Sudan - Dinka Rek Bible Distribution

Recently, we received photos from LMI’s Coordinator in South Sudan of the Dinka Rek New Testament distribution last November. There were smiles all around as Christian leaders were given New Testaments in the Dinka Rek language to pass on to rural pastors and evangelists that work in their area, thanks to the generosity of LMI’s supporters

We hope that the joy on the pastors’ faces brings joy to your heart, just as it has to ours.

Read more: South Sudan - Dinka Rek Bible Distribution

Mission Awareness Programme - Rev. Richard Pidgley Visit

This week, the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team will be joined by a special guest – Rev. Richard Pidgley from Gloucestershire, England.

Richard has worked in partnership with LMI for many years in a variety of ways, and we’re delighted to have him partner with us once again for a packed schedule of school visits and meetings. 

Read more: Mission Awareness Programme - Rev. Richard Pidgley Visit

Tandragee Junior High School

This morning, the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team travelled to Tandragee Junior High School to take four RE lessons. 

The team used their programme called ‘It’s A Miracle’, which focuses on the miracles of Jesus, to share important biblical truths with the pupils. Happily, as you can see from these photos and quotes, they received a great response from both the young people and their teachers.


Read more: Tandragee Junior High School