Filipino Bible College Ministry

In August, John Deaville (LMI's representative for Derbyshire) and Jonathan Winter returned to the Philippines to teach at two Bible colleges and minister at different churches.

This trip was an extension and a continuation from last October’s Overseas Ministry Programme undertaken by Logos Ministries International in 2016, which resulted in a range of invitations for a return visit to help provide cross-cultural missions training to students and encouragement to local Filipino churches.

Read more: Filipino Bible College Ministry

Back to Belfast Boys Model School

The LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team are back with Belfast Boys Model Senior SU this lunchtime, where they will complete the 3-week ‘Battle Ready’ programme about the armour of God from Ephesians 6.

Please pray that God will bless the young people with increased understanding and wisdom as Becky, Danny and Catalin (the LMI Youth & Schools Team) speak to them.


Read more: Back to Belfast Boys Model School

Thank you for making Bible teaching accessible around the world through your support…

Since 1982, LMI’s Bible Teaching Ministry has equipped students all around the world with Bible study courses to aid them to grow spiritually and to know God more intimately through the study of His word.

Time and again our students have testified to being strengthened in their faith, and better equipped for Christian service through our distance learning programmes.

Read more: Thank you for making Bible teaching accessible around the world through your support…